Friday, August 25, 2006

Thinking about Investing in GPS Technology?

As an Antares vending operator, you will probably be thinking about investing in GPS technology for your vending business. Before you rush out and make a substantial investment in GPS technology, you need to sit down and really analyze the system. Firstly you need to realize what you are getting out of such a system and if you are happy about that.

There are a number of reasons why you should invest in GPS technology for your Antares vending business. For one thing, it gives you control over the equipment and driver investment. Such a system maintains a balance between employer and driver, allowing an owner to control his fleet and know that his drivers are giving him a day’s work for a day’s pay.

A GPS system will improve customer service for your Antares business. If an owner decides to ride along with a driver on a route, productivity will go up.

With this system it is also easy to determine whether an employee is doing work on the side, or whether he is using the vehicle for his own personal reasons. This can bring about loss for your Antares vending business. This is the reason why a lot of stress has been laid on hiring the right employees. When you start your Antares vending business, you would only want it to be successful, but there are some factors that hinder this from happening. A GPS system would put all your worries to rest, because you will now get to know what your employees are up to.

If you decide to install the GPS software, you can have the driver up and running within two hours once it has been set up. This software is like any other software, the more you use it, the more efficient you become. The key is that you have to invest the time.

When the technology was first introduced, it was mostly targeted at over the road companies. One manufacturer’s system cost at that time was about $3,500 a truck and $150 per month. The system would give you an average communication with the truck.

However, with the advent of wireless communication, GPS is now practical for fleets such as Antares vending operators. There has also been a decrease in the price as well.


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